View Source Franklin.Articles.Projector (Franklin v0.1.0)

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Provides a child specification to allow the event handler to be easily supervised.

Start an event handler GenServer process linked to the current process.

Returns the PubSub topic name relative to the passed in article_id uuid value.

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Provides a child specification to allow the event handler to be easily supervised.

Supports the same options as start_link/3.

The default options supported by GenServer.start_link/3 are also supported, including the :hibernate_after option which allows the process to go into hibernation after a period of inactivity.



  {ExampleHandler, []}
], strategy: :one_for_one)

Callback implementation for Commanded.Projections.Ecto.schema_prefix/1.

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schema_prefix(event, metadata)

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Callback implementation for Commanded.Projections.Ecto.schema_prefix/2.

Start an event handler GenServer process linked to the current process.



  • :application - the Commanded application.

  • :name - name of the event handler used to determine its unique event store subscription.

  • :concurrency - determines how many processes are started to concurrently process events. The default is one process.

  • :consistency - one of either :eventual (default) or :strong.

  • :start_from - where to start the event store subscription from when first created (default: :origin).

  • :subscribe_to - which stream to subscribe to can be either :all to subscribe to all events or a named stream (default: :all).

The default options supported by GenServer.start_link/3 are supported, including the :hibernate_after option which allows the process to go into hibernation after a period of inactivity.

Returns the PubSub topic name relative to the passed in article_id uuid value.

Link to this function

update_projection(event, metadata, multi_fn)

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